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Talk Junkies - Talk #245: "From Cradle to Career with John Klyczek" (10/31/23)

Talk Junkies is a podcast about everything and anything. Paul, Jesse, and Johnny often have guests who talk about their fields of expertise, but in a laid-back, informal style (emphasis on informal). Notable guests include comedian Sam Tripoli, who hosts the popular Tinfoil Hat Show; and 9/11 Firefighter Jason Charles, who is a former cast member of National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers.

Connecting the Dots: Jake Klyczek & Elana Freeland (10/8/23)

Dan Happel graduated Summa Cum Laude in Architectural Technology from Western Technical College and, after graduation, volunteered for the draft and served as an Architect in Training to the District Facilities Engineer, Headquarters Company, U.S. Army, at Fort Mcnair in Washington D.C. from 1971-1973. After discharge Dan worked as an Architectural Designer while continuing his education at Montana State University and the University of Colorado in Planning, Public Administration and Economics.  He founded and managed several successful Design-Build Commercial Construction Companies, including Happel & Associates, currently working in 11 states. He returned to Montana in 1996 and continues as an active community member having served as a County Commissioner in Madison County, and is currently serving as the Montana State GOP Finance Chair. Happel is a Trustee of the United Precious Metals Association, the Montana Forest Owners Association, Harrison Fire Board, and the Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation. He is the Chairman of the Montana Forest Stewardship Steering Committee; he became 1 of only 2 Montana Master Forest Stewards in 2012 through the MSU/UM Extension Forestry Program; and he was recently appointed to the Western Montana BLM Resource Advisory Council. Dan is also a member of Major General Paul Vallely’s Kitchen Cabinet for Stand Up America, and he is a member of G. Edward Griffin’s Freedom Force International Hall of Honor, serving on the Freedom Force International Leadership Council. In addition, Happel has been a research assistant and producer on six James Jaeger Documentary movies featuring Congressman Ron Paul, Dr. Edwin Vieira, G. Edward Griffin, and Pat Buchanan among others. 

Free YOUR Children Radio Show (9/26/23)

The host of Free YOUR Children is Tiffany Boyd, who is a former tenured public school teacher, a homeschool consultant and advocate, a public speaker, and the founder and administrator of Free YOUR Children, LLC. The Free YOUR Children Radio Show, which has a worldwide audience reaching millions weekly, was started by Boyd in 2020 because she is dedicated to sharing the truth, in love, about education in order to equip parents to assume the Biblical mandate of discipling and teaching their own children. On Free YOUR Children, Boyd has interviewed an array of notable education researchers and activists, including former Dallas Community Development Commissioner Lynn Davenport, who is the host of the Social Impact Podcastformer Klein High School Principal Patrick Huff, who is the author of The Takeover of Public Education through the Accountability System; and the founder of Voices Empower, Alice Linahan, who is the Vice President of Women on the Wall and the author of Your Child's #1 Threat: 21st Century Learning and the Common Core.

NewsPaste Podcast with Johnny Vedmore: School World Order (8/10/23)

The NewsPaste Podcast is hosted by Johnny Vedmore, who is an independent investigative journalist, documentary film maker, and musician from Cardiff, Wales. A contributor to Unlimited Hangout and an expert on the likes of Klaus Schwab, Jeffrey Epstein, Henry Kissinger, and Nicole Junkermann, Vedmore curates his news reporting on NewsPasteNewsTheoryNewsHoundNewsPasty, and Audit Everything. Vedmore is also a TNT Radio host and has interviewed such notable guests as former CIA agent Mike Baker, who has appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience; former US State Department official, Mike Benz, who is the founder of the Foundation for Online Freedom; and Graham Moore, who is the leader of the English Constitution Party.

The David Knight Show: School World Order (7/21/23)

Join the journey with David Knight, and become part of a community that values historical context, critical thinking, and spiritual insight for navigating the challenges of our era. Broadcasting live every weekday morning at 9 a.m. EST, The David Knight Show brings an honest and fresh perspective, not partisan cheerleading. With a background as an electrical engineer, David is focused on the interplay of technology and liberty from a Christian perspective. From the Libertarian Party to the Infowars newsroom, David has decades of experience in the trenches of politics as an activist, organizer, candidate, reporter, analyst, and news anchor. A true veteran in the realm of news and analysis, David has interviewed such notable guests as AI computer scientist Hugo de Garis, who is the former Director of the Artificial Brain Lab at Xiamen University in China; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik, who is a former member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a consultant with the RAND Corporation; and Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin, who is the author of The Fourth Political Theory and an advisor to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.

The Foxhole: Episode #23 (7/13/23)

Exposing the global war on humanity, The Foxhole is hosted by United States military veteran, Jason Barker. Notable guests include screenwriter Gardner Goldsmith, who has contributed to Outer Limits and Star Trek: Voyager scripts; podcaster Billy Ray Valentine, who is the host of America Unplugged and the Infinite Fringe; and former US Army paratrooper Tony Arterburn, who is the host of The Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto Show.

The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC) - Episode 7: School World Order with John Klyczek (7/6/23)

The host of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC) is Matt Presti, who is a musician, poet, video producer, philosopher, and metascientist. As the President and Director of Operations of the University of Science and Philosophy (formerly the Walter Russell Foundation), Presti interviewed actor Terrence Howard, who starred in Empire. Presti has also interviewed Mark Gober, who is a Board Member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Additionally, Presti is the CEO of Universal Power, LLC, and he has served as a firefighter for Montauk Rural Fire Department in Dent County, Missouri, and Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire Department in Nelson County, Virginia.

Jay's Analysis: Luciferianism, Tim Leary, Barbara Marx Hubbard, & the Dark Side of the New Age with John Klyczek  (6/24/23)

Jay's Analysis has grown to become one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net, showcasing the talents of Jay Dyer, whose graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, which made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category. In addition, Jay was co-creator and co-host of the Hollywood Decoded TV series recorded by Gaia productions. He has also debated numerous public intellectuals, such as Matt Dilahaunty, who is the host of the cable-access TV show The Atheist Experience; Stephan Molyneux, who is the founder and host of Freedomain Radio; and Adam Kokesh, who is a former US Marine Corps. Sgt., Iraq War veteran, and 2020 presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party.  

The Peasants Podcast with High Yona & the Lower Caste: Episode #54 (6/23/23)

The Peasants Podcast with High Yona and the Lower Caste is hosted by Yona Anselmo, who is a United States military veteran, a linguist, and a musician. Notable guests include Tom Cooper, who is a co-host of Mob Rules on The New Prisoners podcast network; Amber King, who is the producer of Roar Media; and Jason Barker, who is the host of The Foxhole.

Rekt (The Michael Rectenwald Podcast): School World Order (6/21/23)

Rekt is produced by the Mises Institute and hosted by Dr. Michael Rectenwald. A former Professor of Liberal Studies and Global Studies at New York University, Rectenwald is the Chief Academic Officer of American Studies at Hillsdale College. He is the author of several books, including The Great Reset and the Struggle for LibertyGoogle Archipelago, and Springtime for Snowflakes. His academic and scholarly essays have appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Austrian EconomicsAcademic QuestionsEndeavour, the British Journal for the History of ScienceCollege Composition and Communication, and International Philosophical Quarterly. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Varney & Company, The Ingraham Angle, Unfiltered with Dan Bongino, and The Glenn Beck Show.

Grand Theft World #135: Premature Obsolescence (6/4/23)

Grand Theft World is a podcast hosted by Richard Grove, an American conceptual artist and forensic historian who frames his groundbreaking research into epic multimedia productions to educate his audience. As a forensic historian, Richard’s work focuses on the artifacts and evidence of the agenda known as the New World Order, originating with Cecil Rhodes's last will and testament, which instituted a secret society, the sole aim of which was world domination by way of re-integrating America into the British Empire. Richard wrote the foreword for Sean Stone’s book, New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism, and he wrote and produced State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, a documentary featuring Alex Jones, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer. Richard also produced The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto, a 5-hour documentary exposing the foundations of American schooling. In 2013, Richard was nominated by G. Edward Griffin to be listed in the Freedom Force International Hall of Honor. A composite of Richard's research is mapped out in The History Blueprint, an internet-based interactive visual model in the form of a network diagram, integrating 10,000 points of knowledge and 40,000 interconnections between the events, persons, and artifacts of evidence illustrating the history of the New World Order agenda. Richard has also set up Autonomy University, which offers a comprehensive conscious curriculum to teach individuals methods for learning anything and everything for themselves to re-ignite self-reliance and restore individual liberty through self-education.

The Reason We Learn: School World Order with Jake Klyczek (5/22/23)

​A mom, parent advocate, education analyst, former teacher, private tutor, and concerned citizen, Deb Fillman holds an MS Ed and is the host of The Reason We Learn, which is meant to be a town hall of sorts where we can learn together about what's going on in education in America so that we can do better for our kids. Notable guests include William B. Allen, who is an Emeritus Dean of James Madison College and an Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy at Michigan State University; Beanie Geoghegan, who is the co-founder of Freedom in Education and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women's Forum; and Kerry McDonald, who is a Senior Education Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

Things Observed feat. John Klyczek: Transhumanism, New Age Spirituality, and the Rockefeller-Funded Guru who Attempted to Usher in a Technocratic Gnostic Aeon (5/2/23)

Things Observed is a podcast hosted by Luke Marshall, who searches for the truth amongst the wilderness of mirrors. Notable guests include attorney William Ramsey, who is the host of William Ramsey Investigates; and journalist John Potash, whose reporting has been featured on C-SPAN, A&E, and RT.

The Hrvoje Morić Show (4/13/23)

Hrvoje Morić, obtained his Bachelor of Arts in History and Secondary Education from Northeastern Illinois University in the United States. From 2006-2007, Morić served as a volunteer with Peace Corps in Mongolia. From 2008-2009, he obtained a Master of International Relations from the Geneva School of Diplomacy in Switzerland, where he also worked as a staff assistant with the Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations. From 2010-2017, he worked as a Secondary Humanities teacher and adjunct professor of International Relations at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in México. In 2017, under the auspices of Sharon Tennison’s “Center for Citizen Initiatives,” he visited Russia for three weeks and met with academics, businessmen, citizens and politicians, including former president Mikhail Gorbachev, to discuss US-Russia relations with the hope of bringing the Russian people’s desire for peace to the attention of U.S. citizens and policy makers in Washington. From 2017-2021, he was a Global Perspectives teacher at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Semey, Kazakhstan. Born in the USA, bred between the two worlds of America and Yugoslavia/Croatia, and naturalized a Mexican, he is a proud citizen of all three nations! 

AM Wake Up: "Josiah McGarvie Interview, Murder Goblin: Age of AI Is Here, Jake Klyczek Returns!" (3/27/23)

AM Wakeup is a live, independent morning show, airing from 7-10 AM PST, Monday thru Thursday on Rokfin & Rumble. The best damn morning show on the Interwebs, AM Wake Up is co-hosted by Steve Poikonen, who also hosts Slow News Day, and Craig "Pasta" Jardula, who also hosts The Convo Couch and Pasta 2 Go. Notable AM Wakeup guests include comedian Kurt Metzger, who is a co-host of The Jimmy Dore Show; mixed martial artist John Fitch, who is a UFC veteran; and MTV video jockey Adam Curry.

The New View with John Klyczek (3/17/23)

The New View is a team of Visionary Crones with more than 500 years of life experience and altogether 26 published books. The New View team includes attorney Ellen Brown, who is the founder of the Public Banking Institute; Carol Brouillet, who was a Green Party candidate for the US House of Representatives in the 14th Congressional District of California; Alana Hartzok, who is the author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone and the Co-Director of the Earth Rights Institute; Dr. Diane Perlman, who is a Visiting Scholar at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University; and Marilyn Langlois, who worked with Mayor Gayle McLaughlin during her service as a Community Advocate in the Office of the Mayor of Richmond, California. The New View covers current events, drawing perspectives and solutions from the following interests: new economics, earth rights, public banks, alt currencies, decentralism, bioregionalism, world peace, holistic health, spirituality, channeling, ESP, ETs, the Divine Feminine, multi-dimensional woo woo, etc. Notable guests on The New View include journalist Sam Husseini, who is the Communications Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy; and Dr. Ian Lustick, who is the Bess W. Heyman Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Perspective with Jesse Zurawell (3/15/23)

TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk – is a live 24/7 news talk station available online globally. TNT Radio covers the biggest topics of our time. Get up to speed with the latest live news and current affairs presented by a host of credible and expert commentators. On Perspective, Jesse Zurawell has interviewed such notable guests as Max Blumenthal, who is the editor-in-chief of The Grayzone; Marwa Osman, who is a Lecturer at the Lebanese International University and the Maaref University; and Isa Blumi, who is a Historian, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at Stockholm University Institute for Turkish studies. 

Perspective with Jesse Zurawell (3/8/23)

TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk – is a live 24/7 news talk station available online globally. TNT Radio covers the biggest topics of our time. Get up to speed with the latest live news and current affairs presented by a host of credible and expert commentators. On Perspective, Jesse Zurawell has interviewed such notable guests as Max Blumenthal, who is the editor-in-chief of The Grayzone; Marwa Osman, who is a Lecturer at the Lebanese International University and the Maaref University; and Isa Blumi, who is a Historian, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at Stockholm University Institute for Turkish studies. 

Rachel's Deep Dives: School World Order with John Klyczek (3/2/23)

Rachel Wilson is an Orthodox Christian, a homeschooling mom of five, and the author of Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation. She has appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tim Pool's Culture War, and the Whatever podcast. She has also appeared as an interlocuter on popular internet debate shows, such as The Crucible and Modern Day Debates. Rachel has interviewed such notable guests as comedian Chrissie Mayer, who has appeared on The Wendy Williams Show; and anti-feminist Pearl Davis, who is the host of Just Pearly Things.

Charles Moscowitz Show (2/7/23)

Charles Moscowitz is an award-winning conservative talk show host and author. Notable guests on the Charles Moscowitz Show include UK Independence Party candidate Lord Christopher Monckton; Attorney John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute; New American journalist Alex Newman; and Psychiatrist Colin Ross, who is the author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists.

What's Left? - "Transhumanism: Digital End Times" (1/29/23)

Eduardo, Kenny, and Andy host a weekly political discussion on some of the most critical issues of our time as it relates to current events while challenging the conventional left. Notable guests include Philadelphia public schoolboard activist, Allison McDowell, who is the author of the education blog, A Wrench in the Gears; LPPFusion President and Chief Scientist Eric Lerner, who is the author of The Big Bang Never Happened; investigative journalist Josh Schlossberg, who is featured in the Planet of the Humans documentary produced by Michael Moore. In addition, What's Left? regularly interviews public schoolteachers who are union activists and community organizers. 

Perspective with Jesse Zurawell (1/21/23)

TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk – is a live 24/7 news talk station available online globally. TNT Radio covers the biggest topics of our time. Get up to speed with the latest live news and current affairs presented by a host of credible and expert commentators. On Perspective, Jesse Zurawell has interviewed such notable guests as Max Blumenthal, who is the editor-in-chief of The Grayzone; Marwa Osman, who is a Lecturer at the Lebanese International University and the Maaref University; and Isa Blumi, who is a Historian, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at Stockholm University Institute for Turkish studies. 

World Stage with Bruce de Torres (1/15/23)

TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk – is a live 24/7 news talk station available online globally. TNT Radio covers the biggest topics of our time. Get up to speed with the latest live news and current affairs presented by a host of credible and expert commentators. On World Stage, Bruce de Torres has interviewed such notable guests as Canadian journalist Guy Crittenden, who is the winner of 14 Kenneth R. Wilson Awards for excellence in business journalism; and Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, who produced a CBS news story, a PBS documentary, and an ABC Nightline report covering their expedition into Afghanistan as pioneers of the first American TV crew to be granted visas to enter the country in 1981.

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